Monday, April 27, 2009

Fitness Friday Post

Well, I haven't posted on Fitness Friday for way too long, but that's because I haven't exercised in way too long! Don't think I'm just lazy, I'm finally ready to announce this pregnancy and morning sickess has taken it's toll in the past month or so. I'm just about done with this first trimester and hoping that I start feeling better any day now. Some days are better than others, and I decided I was ready to start working out this week. I like working out in the morning best, despite how hard it's been in the mornings. My goal is to work out 3 times this week for 30 min each. I won't push myself too hard, but I've got to get started. I'm beginning this pregnancy 13 lbs heavier than the last 2 and while I still want to loose 10 lbs, I know it's more important to just stay healthy for the baby. Morning sickess has caused me to loose 5 lbs and my goal is only to gain 20 lbs in total. Wish me luck!

Here's how the week turned out.

Monday - I got up at a good time, ate breakfast with my kids, got my oldest off to school, and thought I was doing good, but then I began to feel sick to my stomach so I laid on the couch for an extra 2 hours then still felt sick. I finally just took a shower and got ready for the day. Guess working out will have to wait another day.

Tuesday - Despite the heavy rain and flooding here and no school for the kiddos I finally got on the Wii Fit for the first time in over a month. I started off with Yoga and Strength Training and was totally winded after just a few exercises. I moved on to Aerobics and did the Advanced Step and Walked the Basic Run. I did the last 10 minutes in Balance Games to cool down and was still exhausted at the end. Then I did my Body Test and it confirmed that I've lost 5 lbs in the past month. That's not from exercise ladies, that's from being sick and not wanting to eat anything. I was pleased that my age was 2 years younger than my real age and I think it was a great first start back to being fit.

Wednesday - I allowed myself to be pretty relaxed this morning, but did get started about 9am. I was too winded to go on after 20 min, but at least I did it! I did pretty much the same routine as Tuesday, but with different Yoga and Strength Training and I didn't do any balance games. I was happy again to have my age be 3 years younger than real life! I think I'm going to have to get new work out clothes though, because these are already too tight on my belly and are uncomfortable.

Thursday - My husband got up early this morning and worked out for the first time in a month then left it on for me, so I had to do it! I did get my 30 min in and I'm finding while I do get winded easily, I am doing better and lasting for longer before I feel I'm too tired to go on. Guess that means I'm getting back in shape a little. But I am exhausted right now and need to shower!

Friday - I had my dr apt this morning and showered and got ready instead of working out, but hey, I already got my 3 days in so I'm a winner!  I heard the heartbeat today and so far everyone is healthy so I can't complain about anything!  Wish me luck and any advice you can offer about exercising while pregnant will be greatly appreciated.


Colleen said...


Good luck on trying to stay fit and not gain too much!

Trish said...

Congratulations on your having a new little one.

just another mother said...


Anonymous said...

Ooh, great! You can join Jenn in her fitness quest as a Maternity Mommy lol! You're doing great and I can't wait to read more on your progress!

Janet said...

Congratulation! Take is easy. (Mommy of 5):)

Auntie E said...

congrats to you. Hope you sickness goes away. Glad to see you start again. do not think the Blogger sign in take you to the get fit site. ao here is the URL

Real Life Sarah said...

Congratulations!!! That first trimester can just ZAP your energy! Do what you can and take care of yourself! Jenn is just now getting into the second trimester and feeling more like herself. You know what they say... this too shall pass!

Jenn said...

I'm so glad you are ready to post this...Congratulations to you again!! I'm so excited to have someone with me on the preggo side of things :)

I'm really a lot more winded when I work out to...I attribute it to blood flow, pressure, etc... not at all to the 21 day hiatus I took during my first trimester! LOL

I'm still struggling with the exercise... and we are in the same boat with starting off over what we "were" :) We shall overcome!! LOL I'm so proud of you for getting back on the wagon and achieving your goal this week!