Friday, November 6, 2009

Wow...look at the time!

Can you believe it's November already? I'm having a baby in 3 days! AAAAAHHHHHH!
I'm a little freaked out and realize I haven't blogged in quite a long time. Then again, I don't think anyone really reads this blog, so it's probably not that big of a deal.

Anyway, I've got lots of great goals I want to try to accomplish and other than my personal journal, I think this is the best place for me to try to keep track of some of them.

Here are the goals I've set recently:

1. Drink water like a fish. I will be nursing my new baby and I really think that the water intake will help me drop the 18 lbs I put on with this pregnancy, plus the extra 15-20 lbs I want to loose on top of that. I believe it helped with kid A but I didn't do it as much with kid B. Maybe that's partly why I didn't drop the weight as easily with kid B. I'm not going to focus on working out or anything until after the holiday season...still hoping I get Wii Fit Plus and EA Sports Active for Christmas.

2. Read scriptures daily. Now that I'm in the RS Presidency (seriously...what was He thinking?) I know I need to focus more on the spirituality stuff. I am going to start with the conference Ensign, read The Church News and Mormon Times, and study with Preach My Gospel. I know this won't be easy with a newborn to set a schedule yet, but that's my goal and I'm sticking to it!

3. Keep the house cleaner. I finally after MONTHS dusted off the top of the entertainment center and fireplace. GROSSSSS! I've got to do a better job. I'd love a maid to come help me clean once or twice a month, but that doesn't magically seem to be happening, so I'm going to endeavor to do better myself. Again, this one might not be a priority on days when I can't even find time to shower due to the baby, but I've got to at least try cause that was really gross!

4. Get all Christmas shopping (including stockings) done before Thanksgiving. I'm well on my way, but still feel I have a lot to do. I'd like to get the Christmas cards out sooner rather than later too, but we'll see. I'm starting to enter the Christmas giveaways on some of the websites so you'll see more posts about those randomly on this site, plus see more buttons on the side. I started this last year and have actually won quite a few things over the past year. Hopefully I can win more stuff this year.

I have no idea how crazy life will be starting next week with a newborn, but I'm going to try to keep some of these goals. Wish me luck as I embark on this next phase of with 3 kids!

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